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1h44 - 2.39:1 - audio 5.1

It can be brutal enough just growing up a girl. Then add poverty, addiction, and God to the mix. Armed with a gun and a prayer, Emma and her cat bravely go where too many girls have gone before.

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IG: @small_time_film

Small Time is about a girl growing up in rural America in the shadow of the opioid crisis and “the war on terror.” This story is, fundamentally, about America, and its internal contradictions. Like a mirage, one America shimmers before us while we stumble over another. The film takes an empathetic and darkly humorous look at life, childhood, and personhood as young Emma navigates the American myth.

“the best of what American independent filmmaking has to offer – in spirit and vision,”

- Oren Moverman


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Cinequest * WINNER* Audience Award

Saint Louis International film festival *WINNER* NFF Emerging Director Award

Rockport Film Festival *WINNER* Best feature

Centre Film Festival *WINNER* Best Feature, Best Director, Best Actor (Audrey Grace Marshall)

Whistler film festival *WINNER* EDA Award for best female directed feature

Bahamas international FF *WINNER* Spirit of Freedom Award

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Starring: Audrey Grace Marshall, Dominique Johnson, Holter Graham, Kevin Loreque, Maria Hasen, Sina Rassi, Elissa Middleton, Jason Gratkowski, Don Scimé

Written by, directer, cinematographer: Niav Conty

Producer, Music: John J. A. Jannone

Executive producer: Oren Moverman, Ballibay Camps Inc.

Production design: Kate Rance

Editing: Babak Rassi & Niav Conty


“The directors touch is light, even glancing, every frame carries wonder and dread… it is worthy of our finest humanist directors. - David Edelstein, film critic

“Small Time offers a story as large as life itself” - Gilbert Seah, Afrotoronto

“captures the essence of child-like wonder” - Jennifer Merrin, AWFJ

“There’s nothing small about the talent in this mighty feature from screenwriter/director Niav Conty, who is an astute observer of the human condition.” - Randy Myers, The Mercury News "15 films not to miss"

“THIS is the film that addresses the world, right now… by an artist who feels the world and what we need.” - Michael Rabehl, Cinequest Programming Director

“[Small Time] absolutely galvanized me from beginning to end." - AIFF Programmer Robert Levin

“Audrey Grace Marshall is brilliant in the lead role” - Mary Palmer, Jumpcut

“[Small Time] finds a resonant intimacy as it explores fractured families with compassion and tenderness.” - Todd Jorgenson, Cinemalogue

Essay Realer Than Reality written by Niav Conty for Talkhouse, about Small Time and memory.

Interview with The Female Gaze, through The Alliance of Women Film Journalists and the EDA award for best female-directed feature at Whistler FF.

